7:37 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008
say something! (0)
honestly, i think there's something wrong with me.
today was sabbaticals, & i hated the entire day.
inline skating was fine, but hot.
people stared. but i didn't care.
when it came to malay culture, i was just whatever-i'm-so-totally-done-with-this.
yeah, those were just one of the times i dont want anyone to talk to me.
something rong with me luhs.
those times, if anyone talked to me, i would just get pissed and tell them wth.
and i pissed lots of people off.
now i regret D:
thanks to those who tried to cheer me up when i just told you guys to shut up.
and i understand that you all are trying to make me smile
sorry i just cant.
but i'm sure tomorrow i can (;

bus ride home
bus ride home, i loved it.
i had no one to talk to, i loved it.
i just needed to be away from all the happy faces.
i couldn't stand happiness today.
how ironic 'cause i'm smiling/retarded most of the time.
i loved the bus ride home!
i loved the loneliness today.

and even now as i type, i enjoy it.
normally, i'd be playing, chatting.
today, i want to be closed off from the world.
people who talk to me really piss me off.
and i ended up pissing them off.
i dont think i'll make these people understand, 'cause i cant myself.

my friend told me-
"must be some kinda devil in you that suddenly said : today is emo day! dont talk to anyone"
yeah, and that devil never appeared in my life for 12 long years until 2 months ago.
yeah right, yeah right.

oh, to my dearest dearie-
i will never wu yuan wu gu dao people. :D
that, you dont have to worry.