7:10 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
say something! (0)
I'm so gonna cry.

Just watched "So you think you can dance"
This guy went to audition, he was in an accident like a year back.
I'm not sure what you call it, but his has a metal device as his left leg.
He didn't make it through to Vegas 'cause he injured himself halfway through the dance or something I guess. & he couldn't because of some health conditions.
So when he showed his leg to the judges, they were totally ohmygawd.

What was really sad.
When they talked to his sister about his experience, she said something like this.
"When he was told what happened to his leg, the first thing he said was 'I'll never be able to dance again' "

OMG I'm so drama, I'm gonna cry D:

But in the end he could walk and went back to dancing.
Sad that during the audition something happened to his ankle, so he couldn't carry on.

& when he left, he said,
"It's ok, I'm coming back next year, stronger."

OMG, he's such a great guy.

'when dance is your life, an injury may just take everything away'

This incident means so much to me.
I just don't know how to express my emotions now.