8:36 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
say something! (0)
tag replies! [:
jermaine: evil person, spam me hor! i shall take a chopper and run after you ;D
Shichun: hao hai zi :D
CLARICE!: YAY i'm missed too! [; byebye lemon...
cher: bathmates! LOL
tiffany: hello senior! [: thanks! :D
rebekah: OK sure ;D
Shichun: i love my blogsong and you too! :D haha. you're the all rounded one :D
jermaine: thanks! tho' i did it with instructions. haha
enning: hello! [: <3 you also so cuteee, guzheng! Go enning! :D
rebekah: welcomes! you are MISSED!
tayminnn;DD: NOT PRO! thanks anw! haha. love you and miss you manymanys! Yay, see you sat!
offspring: hello dear offspring. ok lend you lend you sure [:
ernie: YAY! thanks! wheee... See you on sat! [:
cher: haha, nvm. i'll remind you! :D
/&nikki*: LOL thanks! you so pro! [:
tayminnn;DD: Yay, i tagged at your blog and you tagged at mine! [: miss you! OMG, sat is coming~
yueling: ELLEPHANT! lol

Ellen :D

I have an extra layer of skin now [x wearing my leotard and suffocating.