6:18 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008

What does this remind you of? My batchmates ♥ and I made this at the beach that day at Aloha Loyang. Looks like a real girl has been buried there eh? *Shudders* o.O Wonder whose foot that is...
OMFG ! I totally totally forgot about the gathering organised by Welly yesterday ! OMGOMGOMGGGG
This is so freakin' shitty D:
Nvrmind, I won't be so stupid next time. [x
So sad that I missed a gathering. *Slap myself*
Time to rewind ;
I♥Saturdays ! [:
Went out with TAYMIN♥ hun! [: I haven't met her for 4 months! & last time it was on 6feb and I only saw her for like 20 minutes? Sad isn't it? But this time we went ice-skating together. So I spent more time with my nottie1.
ERNIE♥ was supposed to come. But she had to stay home for piano practice D:
Well, wish her the best for her piano exam! [: Ernie, we love you! Haha.
So I bused to BukitBatok Interchange and trained to Jurong East.
While I was on the bus, ANNA♥ sms-ed me and said that Alloy *wth* was in her tuition class. LOL!
"Just my luck" (quoted from her sms)
Min said she was gonna be late so I sat at the MRT there for a while. Until she came.
She called me & asked me where I was, OMGGGG then she appeared and I was like...
I WNA CRY! Like finally, see my bestie [: Just wish ERNIE was there.
So we went to Long John Silver but there were no seats left D:
We went to lunch at KFC. Bought this roll thing at $5.00.
KFC has a mind of its own, the light kept off-ing and on-ing.
It was so bloody irritating cans?
We talked about our classmates and Min said there was this guy in her class who always farted.
Went ice-skating! [: We didn't really skate much, 'cause I found the ice horrible and my feet were so numb I think I couldn't even feel them.
2 hours gone.
Pose Pose Pose Take Take Take Scream Scream Scream
LOL Min kept screaming when she saw the neos.
She said she looks like shit but I didn't so.
"Shit is brown"
And she gave me that T_T look. LOL
She looks nice luhs. Oki!?
Then we decorated them & Min put this oversized crown on my head . I only put a mini one on hers! LOL
Oh and we went to the cinema to buy nachos.
Quite stupid to buy nachos when you're not watching a movie right? LOL.
But who cares.
I think the lady at the counter got quite pissed with us 'cause we wanted her to change this coin for how many of that coins so we can split the cost. Haha.
So we ate and drank and got cheese breath, haha.
Then we walked to Jurong East MRT and trained home.
Oh! And saw Sheng Chun on the MRT in hong zi and NY jacket [:
So that was my day with TAYMIN!♥
Went to school to do the freakin' bloody FPS which sucked.
LOL. We kinda slacked at the library. & we got quite noisy until some other people got so pissed they we going "Shhh..." at us. (Oops!)
ELEEN!♥ kept talking about how she smelled bad after Judo training and about fairygodmothers T_T
After that we saw WEELIN!♥
OMGGGGGG! She's so cute with her hair! [: LOL, when you see her, you'd just feel like going up and giving her a big bear hug. Haha.
& SHUYI!♥, Eleen and I ran after a car so that the gate would open automatically and we could use the short cut :D Chasing cars...
Shuyi and I went HCI side to take bus.
When I was on the bus, Eleen suddenly messaged me-
OMG! I left my Judo gi (Outside the library) !! Shit...
Jiayou bahs! [:
Man, she got onto her bus on time after taking her dear Judo gi, I wish she hadn't, haha.
Naw, I'm not that mean [:
My Msn name is changed to
♥ellennn; Beat it, bloody bee
Haha, I'm anti-bee, anti-beehive, anti-queenbee, aniti-whatever that's related to bee except for HONEY! [: Haha
Stupid bee luhs. Keep flying onto.
I hope it isn't anything on me that attracts them.
& My grandmother squashed 4 xiao qiangs today that were in our cupboards.
Ohmygawd, please don't tell me my house is infested
Back to the point ---> .
Taymin says I'm honeyed. Shit...
Yeah. maybe I should cut down on the honey. Haha.
Chatting with her on msn now and I can't reply her on time 'cause i'm busy running away T.T
Bee, Bee go away
Come again another day
Ellen wants to use the com...
Tag Replies!♥
regine: Haha [: Call me ellephant. Heck with it, call me Ellen
ruth: I can't teach, but the instruction sheet can ! :D
ruth: LOL you haven't seen the DARK side of me. ROFL. o.O
Yan Ying: whee...
jermaine:D: Ok, I go treasure hunting... I haven't found it yet! D:
shiyun XD: LOL yep. But now it's with my friend and I miss it! D:
tayminnn;DD: MIN MIN rocks more :D
\ben: LOL hello.
/&nikki*: Thanks! [: Jiayou too :D
Yan Ying: Yeah, OMGGGG
passerby: Touching isn't it? *overwhelmed*
Ellen :D