3:37 AM
Monday, June 9, 2008
say something! (0)
Yoooooooo! [:
i♥my batchmates! :D [and sec twos!]

i woke up at arnd 10.30? yagabadoo. i'm such a pig [taymin's FAVOURITE line, haha]. Then chionged shiyong wen, 'cause i have to pass yanying the newspaper for it, somehow i dunno, 'cause she doesn't have.... oki

so it was like
chiong slack chiong slack chiong slack [i know is suck]
and I ate lunch watching NARNIA! the lion witch something one.. not prince caspian -.-
i just suddenly wanted to watch. Probably 'cause i watched prince caspian like.. last Saturday?
i froze to death in the cinema T.T
after eating lunch, put on leotard, wear PE tee, FBTs and skirt T.T
it was freaking warm, I almost suffocated.
So i took 77 ! & at the 2nd stop ShiYan came onto the bus [:
and she was wearing her leotard inside too, so we were both suffering in silence i guess.
and we talked about liulaoshi? and our missed Mr. Raj!
and then changed bus to 157.
and when we reached there, it was like 1.45!?
PRAC starts and 2.30... T.T
guai peeps. When we went to the dance studio, it was like only me and jermaine [sec1s] and some sec2s.
& we stretched & practiced some steps.
[no offence, all the steps are weird]
it really sucks. liulaoshi says if we don't pin it up, she'll cut it off [wth] so i was desperately trying to pin it up. i had like 10 pins on my head!? and the fringe kept falling off. IRRITATING.
haha, jermaine offered to help.
"let the professional help you"
but i was like "no, i'm not gonna let you touch my hair!"
"'cause you're mean!"
haha, jkjk [:
soon, more people came and the PRAC. started.
we didn't learn new steps, just revising the old, boring steps.
and this step that you gotta swing your arms and do something with the head and yagabadoo.
CHERMAINE was totally cute! [: LOL, she did alot of funny faces, and we got so carried away, that laoshi made us do that thingo one more time. T.T
and she said she wanted more FEELINGS! [: ( reminds my of klara's lame dou sha bao and man tou joke!)
feelings feelings feelings..
she way like
"What you all are doing now is WATER, I want COKE"
"Want coke, want coke, vending maching outside dance studio got coke"
lol, and we did alot of stupid imitations
and surprisingly, it helped us become more relaxed and we did the steps better.
LOL, it was lame but fun.
how retarded can we get?
Well, it's quite sad when the seniors come, 'cause we can't mess arnd.
Today's prac. was only the sec 1 and 2s, so we messed around.
But if we do that when the seniors come, we'll get scolded D:
I♥monday practice sessions.

PPP day! Post Production Party!
in the morning was dance prac as usual.
& i remembered after dance prac, chermaine was like..
"i want to pee, i want to pee, i want to PPP"
the PPP was because i didn't go to the ch6 gathering, which was quite pathetic 'cause only like 7 enthu peeps went?...
after that we changed into PE tee and skirt WITHOUT the suffocating leotard.
& took 171 to coronation. Rachel G. was like dying, 'cause she was carrying a laptop in her bag for the ppt slideshowing.
we had fish and chips & bubbletea! [:
LOL! i paid for everything! i mean the food!
WHA! they paid me back later T.T still got some people haven't paid me hor...
and we were frantically folding paper stars. LONG STORY, please don't ask.
Rachel T met us there
so we bought a lot of star paper and after lunch, we were walking out of coro and folding paper stars all the way to newton MRT T.T
we trained from newton to city hall.
& we had to change train to pasir ris. the train was just at the other side and we were hesitating whether to run for it. 'cause we didn't know if it was to one to pasir ris. & i saw platform B, so i started screaming
"Platform B! Platform B! Get on!" -.-
i'm so enthu.
and we trained to pasir ris and folded paper stars and played with confetti and the way there.
AGAIN, don't ask!
to think about it now, it was quite fun! [:
(oooh, OMG wanli just said Hi to me!)
at pasir ris, we chionged for the shuttle bus to aloha resorts.
SAD, the shuttlebus was full, 'cause our seniors were on it.
we were quite pissed luhs.
so we took 3 cabs there, & we arrived earlier than them [:
we chionged the batch gift.
and went to the bitch/beach to play for sometime.
and BBQ-ed!
Shao Xun somehow got a cut on his finger, so i got a plaster from senior Eunice!.
and Bernice wanted me to help him plaster it and i was thinking
"i never plaster-ed anyone before" -.-

after i ate the food, my stomach hurt like hell.
LOTS of batchmates thought i was emo-ing.
yeah right.
after i burped, i felt better LOL!.
and jielin was trying to teach me how to burp my ABCs but i failed. sad isn't it? *cry...*
after BBQ-ing we went to the pavillion, which was like some tribal area and watched the HFOS II performance.
After that,we showed our PPT! which the sec1s all worked uber hard for.
and we presented our batch gift to Mr. Raj.
Back at the BBQ area, i was getting siaoper with jermaine, jialin, rachel t and rachel g and clare! [:
LOL, chermaine and clare went to the bitch/beach later.
and Jun ning senior warned us about getting captured by some ghost -.-
we laughed a lot, esp clare
[now i know how she got sent out of class in P6 for laughing too much]
and then Daddy came, and i went home.
BROKE MY RECORD! [: yawed 35 times on the car! wahahs` ...

Ellen :D