2:44 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
say something! (0)
So today we had BRP :D
Big fat, hairy deal

BRP sucks. I don't understand why BRP exists. BRP, die you idiot -.-
All we do is plot graphs, listen to the super cool teacher and super (insert random negative word here) teacher talk some shit D: Like as if we have all the time in the world to care about BRP

*Ranting ends here ____*

Ok, last friday was Chinese Dance concert, which was nice [:
Everyone in CD was like so flexible, they were like twisting their legs ]x
But it was good :D
Really enjoyed it
& porclein vase dance made me wna watch it again again & again [:
Aaaahhhh :D

So anw, today during BRP
I found out YueLing and ShuMin are really cute & lovable people, haha.
Conversation between me and YL
Me: Oh shit, oh shit. I'm so stupid. Why didn't I bring my book to read. *On the verge of falling a sleep from the boredom*
YL: Yah lor Yah lor, I should have brought my X-men comics.
Haha ._.

& ShuMin's cheeks kinda puffs up (observation from YL) when she tries not to laugh.

& we played hang man (Later got scolded by the teacher)

YL did "ellen is horny with eraser dust"
-I'm not ok. She likes rolling all the eraser dust into some lump & I just commented that it looks like sai, nothing else and she said I was horny D:-

So yeah, after that the male teacher came up and said,
"What are the 3 of you all doing arrh? Wrong page, shows that you're not paying attention"
*Walks off*

*Whatever face xD*

Yay, I'm going to watch Scarlet on 22nd [: Friday.
Partly because YanYing forced me to, & she came for my NYMD concert.
So I must go.
Anw, it'll be nice, I guess
Tho' she said I won't be able to understand the story line D:


ellennnnnnnnnnnnnn ;