6:19 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
say something! (0)

CCA resumed this week [: Missed my dearest Batchmates a lot !

PE tee + FBTs this week 'cause Liulaoshi isn't coming. Yeah :D Currently choreographing a dance (to 4 minutes by Madonna :\) for the next year Sec1 Miniconcert. OHmytian, we're becoming seniors ...

So post-exam life has been fine. Today's activites was @#$%^&*! boring. First some first aid thing. I swear I will change my phone IMMEDIATELY when Nov. comes. Frickin' boring phone. Only has a stupid music guess shitty game. While Jiale and Yueling were playing race cars DD: Screw my crack-on-the-screen-boring-lag phone. You deserve to die. Then was a leadership workship (Probably the 3rd this year, what does NYGH expect us to be?) We had a game, where we were supposed to link hands and do stupid stuff. Like sing the school song with our mouths full of water... Spastic... & catch live insects. O_O

Choral and Drama night rehersals have been fine [: Jiale has to wear skirt. The boys watching (if there are any) will surely be whistling at her legs, HAHAHA. I only needa wear jeans + tee. While she suffers. *rolls on the floor laughing*

Checking of exam scripts went alright. I officially fell head over heels over history, LA (Suprisingly), Science. Maths, chinese and Geog deserve to die in hell. Ok basically, LA was a surprise, 'cause the composition I wrote which was supposed to be funny wasn't funny to me - I wrote about the time a lizard crawled into the toaster and night -.- & Lit. response was... absobloodylutely anyhow done. Luckily there was a moderation. Bless the LA teachers and half of the cohort who failed. YAY.

Being at home is getting irritatingly boring. I stepped into my house today and got greeted by a adorable half-dead cockroach. Don't get be wrong, my house is NOT infested with pests. *Shudders* Read Twilight, 101% gonna watch the movie {: Edward Cullen ♥ Starting on New Moon :D

Doing splits has been impossible nowadays. ONOZ. Totally stiff. I wish some kind-hearted doctor would come along, give me anaesthesia and insert and portion of muscle into my legs so there won't be pain in splitting and stuff :\ Life is stupid.

Some other post-exam activites which will be supposedly fun-filled [I guess] - West Coast Park, Inter Class Captain's Ball (not playing :D Haha), C&D night, hopefully never first aid AGAIN!

OM audition is tml! Wonderful!

