2:25 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
say something! (0)
Dance today was... fun :D
How rare for me to use that word to describe practice.
The normal adjectives are "tiring", "painful" and "ouch" ._.
Liulaoshi was nice today, she wasn't criticising us.
& she said we did the 3-count well. We learnt a new, pretty part of the dance.
It's still mostly floor work, but now I kinda got used to it.
I find the floor much better than the bed :DD

Bussed home with haoqing, Eunice and Shiyan. They're all so cute.
Haoqing told a lot of 冷笑话s. LOOOOL. Insane aunty ... (:

Why do I not find anything funny anymore.