1:59 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
say something! (0)
No mood to blog about fund-raising now. Probably twisted my ankle or something. Anw, dance today was tiring and painful, which is why I'm not going for the last night of C&D. I'm not sure how many bruises/blisters I have, haven't counted the ones on my back T.T No regrets though, I love dance. It comes 2nd on my list of loves. 1st is of course family and friends :D

Tag replies:
rachel g: Yeah, I half expected that (x I'm all crazy at home too.
&;BEN!: Tell you on MSN.
hilary: YOYOYO! :D
shumin: Ok relax. Chill girl, I'm not gonna delete such a special picture (even if it's disgusting xD)
jermaine: LOL, I did that quiz already. Yes, Jermaine Pan, I went to you :D
Joie Tan: Yes I remember you [: Yeah, linked you alr. Congrats on cookie, he's adorable :D (or is it a she?)
taemeeen:DDD: Hahah, I couldn't wait so borrowed from my friend. Read a few chapters only :\
shumin: Which means you can't control :D Since, you can't make it silent. Hahah
CLARICE: Oh man, which means the mistake WAS obvious :\ Oh well. LOL, I saw you performance, soooooooo cute [:
yueling: YAY, I got yueling support me :D Hahah, too bad SHUMIN ;P
shumin-yl: LOL
Yan Ying: Thanks for the pictures !!!
cher: Sadly, this song wasn't chosen for the lullaby, some other song in the end. How heartbreaking (x Anw, dance was torturing today.
shumin: Yep, she should consider changing the colour of the headband thing. Shouldn't be white :D Hahah
ENNING:): ENNING !!! You super chio girl :DD Oh man !?!? Why? Next friday ok! [: And you're so sarcastic (x
YY: Yep, it's the 210 happy family performance song. I was searching for Bella's lullaby in Twilight and this came out, though it isn't the lullaby D:
yueling: Hahah, who knows? You'll make a goooood ninja :D Hahah, yeah many ♥♥♥ for you!
cher: I think I cried, listening to the song -.=
Shichun: OH REALLY !?!?!?! I didn't see you D: I wasn't really paying attention when I was cycling, lol. My dad was yelling at me but I didn't hear -.= I LOVE MY BLOG MUSIC

Off to stone beside the window :D


; Ellen :D