5:54 AM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
say something! (0)

Went JP with Taymin, Yixian, YingXuan, Gen, ShuinHern, Jiawei and Monk
Met Taymin dear and Jurong East MRT.
Wth, her handphone no batt DD: So I was walking around Popular like some retard (x
Then finally she tapped my shoulder and I got frightened -_-
Taemeennnn : Don't scare me like that ok! >:( LOL

So we trained to Boon Lay and bitched quite a little on the way there *把头压得低低的,装出一幅可怜样*
Oh please, Secondary life is full of tears, bitching, backstabbing, lying, betraying, creating holes in peoples' chest...
Ok then Yixian smsed me and said she arrived alr and was figuring out her way to JP, (x LOL

Then we arrived and met up with rest.
Lotsa people changed, I guess. But I don't have the right to criticise. 'cause if changing were a crime, I would be guilty as well.
Bought tickets for HSM3 [:
Movie was ok. The ending was a little screwed. Sorry brainwashed HSM fans ):
It was unexpected. & I was really blur that day, so I only understood the storyline halfway through.
Oh did I mention that JP Golden Village screens a hell lot of ads and trailers before the movie starts

Taymin and I were like complaining like !?!?!?! @#^&%&%
Ok maybe not that bad (x But the movie was suposed to start at 430.
Started at 445 instead.
Crap man.
After the movie my neck ached.
All of them went to Macs to eat. Taymin, Yixian and I didn't.
(as you can see from my wishlist, I haven't striked the "eat fast food once a month", which means it is NOT fulfilled, which means I must put in extra effort. I'm putting pressure on myself. Poopey Shit)
Ok then we went back to Macs and find them but they weren't there. So we loitered around (x
Went to Popular, Perlini's Silver, Wallet Shop and then trained home.
Yixian and I alighted at Bukit Batok, and waved goodbye to Taymin with tears in our eyes ): I miss you alr taymin!!!

Said bye to Yixian (though I'll still her in school, LOL) and went to west mall.
At first I just went there for nothing. I didn't wanna go home. I saw the mall in front of me, so I just went -_-

It was the type of feeling when you're didn't know what word you can use to describe it. That was how I felt. Like as if doing anything was fine. I wasn't sure why I was headed there. Like as if I had enough cash $ with me to buy something I wanted, if there even WAS anything I wanted It's like those moments in life when you're not sure what to do, you're not even sure what you're actually doing. So I was just walking, without thinking. (Just like when I sms, when I suddenly type a T_T face there when it's totally incoherent)
In west mall, I saw breakdtalk, then went to buy bread for my parents (x Being a very filial daughter Brilliant idea right? (x Saw shuin hern who was, i-dont-know, stoning perhaps?.

Bussed home after that. & when I reached home, my dad bought brownies. Waste my $4.20
So it wasn't really a brilliant idea to go west mall. But if I had headed straight to the bus interchange, walking without thinking, I would probably board the wrong bus and went on a tour around S'pore. Not a bad idea (:

So that was saturday :D A weird day :D

I finally finished NEWMOONNNNNNNN :D
Enning, it wsn't that boring ok! You told me I could have just skipped it
Haha, I'm glad I didn't (x
It wasn't as nice as Twilight, but it was nice :D Just a little draggy. With the whole Jacob being a werewolf and Edward leaving and danger and adrenaline... & stuff
Overall nice [:
Now, I'm on a mission to hunt down Eclipse, which can't be found anywhere, including borders ): Ask taymin

Oh presenting my spectacular list of holiday school-related stuff:
1. Chinese Compo
2. Chinese YingYongWen
3. Chinese SIA
4. Chinese LiZhiShu YueDu thing which I'm clueless about (...)
5. Rewrite LA EOYs Compo
6. 58 fun-to-do algebra questions :DDDDD
7. Go for dance every monday, wednesday, friday.
8. Choral and Drama Night rehearsals (Which Jiale is happily ponning tml! D:)
9. Choral and Drama Night. If I screw this, I don't need to jump off a building. I'd die there and then of embarrassment I will be strong :DD

Wish me luck for the C&D performance this thursday *Shudders*
*Feeling will trip once I step onto the stage -_-*

Ok to end off: Tag replies! *Rounda Applause, Standing Ovation!*
Shichun: My blog songs are all nice! *Egos* ;P
yixian: Linked dear!
CLARE: I missed ya loads tooooo! Though Liulaoshi PMS-ed yesterday DD:
jermaine: Haha blogskin (x Yep, it's scary
yueling: WANSUI WANSUI! (x Haha, Yueling the Queen. Yeah I know it was concentration game -_-
daniel :): Thanks!
rachel g: That was mt friend who found a pair of socks but it wasn't hers so she dumped them there -_-
YY: Kbox, shopping, Makan, Hide-n-seek, the future is awesome :DD
klara: Yes, I'm currently grieving over the terrible failure, Klara the gansta ): Yes! I understand auf weidersehen. It's farewell! [:
&;BEN!: Yeah sure! Thanks for taggin! :D
shumin: YOYOYO. Are you that bored? LOL. Yep, very obvious. Oh btw, your toe is disgusting. I gonna delete tht picture you bluetoothed me soon ): Get well soon, toe!
yueling: Don't be lame luh (x Of course not you guys! [: Never will be
YY: Teenie Weenie Hitler. Ok I shan't be so evil with attacks anm (x They love me more, so they didn't tag! [:
Jiaying! ♥: Yeah, can't stand her too ): Like, one time is ok, but she's too guo fen alr.
taemeen:DDD: Yeah I miss you too! (Refer to above for evidence, LOL) Anw, how's the relationship with your friend? Getting better? Hopefully [: ILY!!!
Shichun: Haha, I feel so bad ):
rachel g: Haha yes, she was giving us that ok-maybe-they-ARE-crazy-after-all o.0 look, lol. I think we're too hyper. *Take a chill pill!* Oh, Ellentopia, Epitome of uh... SANITY!
jermaine: LOL, rachel g! Was your mom annoyed? LOL she was probably like "what is going on with them?!?!"
taemeen:DDD: Yeah I saw your blog [: Yes yes, next time can go iceskating and stuff. Oh and the two movies we promised to watch together! [: ♥ Can't wait. Loves :D


When hope is all that you're clinging on to, it can shred you into pieces when things don't turn out right.