11:15 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
say something! (0)

My shoe didn't fall off, YAY

I don't wanna sound like I'm doing some sort of reflection (x But C&D night was really a meaningful experience. I'm glad that it's at the end of the year, so that the last moments spent with my dearest 102 are happy [:

Arrived in school at 8.00pm and went to change into my tuition teacher costume (x
Then we had a fulldress rehearsal and Mr Nick Ng shouted alot ._. But we spoke loudly in the end :D
Oh, during the rehearsal, my shoe came off once I stepped on the stage.
"Shit" Luckily I didn't say it loudly like I usually do -.-

After 102's rehearsal, Jiale, Me, YanYing, Wanli, Jiaying and Shichun went to watch movie ♥
We were like on 171 when someone sms-ed Wanli and said that there was a debrief (we kinda sneeked outta the school in the middle of the rehearsal for other classes -.-)
We were hesitating and quite pissed with whoever told the teacher that we were gone ._.
But after that Klara smsed me and said we won't die :D Thank you ♥ !!! & we heck care and went to Dhoby Ghaut. Trained to Bugis and ate at Pastamania. We were sotong blur there O_O. Not sure where to order and stuff like that, lol. After lunching, jiale and I went to walk around while the rest went to shop for some clothes. Bought bubbletea :D which is cancerous

Met them later and watched movie at Dhoby Ghaut :D
Quantum of Solace

Ok, you know what, I didn't understand a single thing.
YanYing sorta slept throughout half the movie and woke up when there were fighting and --- scenes (x
After the movie, we came to conclusion that-
JAMES BOND is a goodie
GREENE is a baddie
& Camille is the bond girl (x
At home, I went wikipedia and read the plot summary
Still didn't understand -_-

After the movie, we bussed back to school on 174 and met Klara and the benches near the rock wall. Ok, then called Shumin to ask her where is the changing room.

At the Changing Room
Had lotsa fun at in changing room :D
Even the usual tomboys were applying make-up
& I got the rare opporutnity to apply lipgloss on LingAn
She was laughing for idk reason -.-
LOL, halfway through everything, ShenLin went, "Where are the eyebrows?" She meant, "Where are the eyebrow liners?"
I was totally o.0? "Where are the eyebrows?" LingAn started laughing like @^%&$*!*#) and followed by Shumin. LOL, the standard people who can't control their laughter (x
Ok, I think I looked like a ghost after putting on the foundation. I'm white enough :D
Later we went to the auditorium for the pre-show briefing and Jiale was like sitting beside me applying purple mascara. LOL, she looked pretty :D Totally not like a national swimmer, but a chinese dancer, which she is
Then we went back to changing room, our performance was after the interval so we sorta chilled [:
Applied eye liner and the purple mascara (x My eyelashes were so long that I had trouble putting on my glasses O_O
I looked like an emo doll after all the make-up ._.

We rehearsed for one last time & it was the interval
Which meant that it was time for the performance that we had been preparing for half a year
I ran out of saliva many times in the waiting area ._.

It was kinda sad performing the script which I got sick of after so many rehearsals for the last time :DD
So relieved that the audience laughed [: If everything was like stoning, it would be so awkward.
Everyone's face was blurred, so that made things easier. It didn't seemed like 100 pairs of eyes were on you.
Oh, and I made a mistake (x
I said 西加博 instead of 新加坡, Oops -.-
But nevermind, I hope it wasn't too obvious.
Later in the waiting room, Lingan and Klara were like jumping up and down with their thumbs in the air
Thanks! [:

After our play, we went to LT2 to watch 102A perform their play :D (I was in 102B)
LOL, they did well, and they were cute.
The camera zoomed in on KLARA ♥ hahah. She was doing the mountain thingum :D LOL

Cleared the changing room and went to take class photos
(Photos up soon after Yanying send me them)
Then it was farewell.

Thank you KlaraKoh for the flower ♥

She's going china alr D: So sad. Outing next Sunday ???

Fund raising is next tuesday :D Got the chance to spend time with 102 again.
I suddenly love 102 :DD A LOT!

Later meeting HaoQing at 6.15pm to go Bugis. Watching Liulaoshi's dance performance with other batchmates ♥ See you! [:

; E :D