3:54 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
say something! (0)
Someone in 102 seriously have an attitude problem.

You're not the boss. People make their own choices . & if you think everyone thinks you are sweet and cute and whatever crap, I'm telling you that you're wrong. Nobody appreciates your effort. Oh please, nobody gives a shit about what you've done. Reason? In case you haven't noticed, you are just extra. I suggest you go see a psychologist, you've got a serious problem. People want to throw things at you, people want to hurl vulgaraties at you. Are you so stupid to not realise? If you love the feeling of being in control, next year, the entire 102 will put you as every position in CCM. I don't mind a single bit.

I don't want to disappoint you, thanks for screwing my last day of Sec1 life :D

That's not meant for anyone to read :D
But I can't stop you
I just needed to let everything out, & writing it in word microsoft again isn't gonna help
Something new [:
But don't get me wrong. I still love 102
& my lovely friends - Shuyi, Jiale and Klara

Since today, 7.00-3.00 was screwed
I'm happy my batchmates came along :D
They definitely made my day
Thank you Jermaine and Rachel!
I would have went home sulking if it weren't for you guys
We talked so much crap and I loved it - Jermland, Racheltropolis and Ellentopia

School today was screwed.
In the morning had the flag of peace presentation award.
The certificate was pretty nice :D Shuyi was there too, she achieved bronze [:

After that, we had spring cleaning. Ruisian from 101 and another 2 IT/AVA reps and I were cleaning the computer labs. Dirty like shit man. & I'm officially scared of com. lab 3 - beetles, dead spiders and bugs -_- Guess my house is not the only place infested

Lunched with Mushu, Klara and Jiale again.
Hsiu Yee is funny, lol :D

Then in class, we played 10-cent game and follow the leader [:
Had fun
But that was when that little hitler totally killed the mood. thanks bitch
Later, I don't know what happened, our class went back to its usual cliques. I'm not exactly sure if that's a good thing.

Level closure was at 1230 at audi. Mrs Wong talked like as if she was gonna cry -.-
& that was when my day was screwed even further. But it's ok :D
The talk was followed by Ms. Yap and then school ended.

Speech training sucked today.
The teacher PMSed
Thank god 330 came and I ran to the rooftop hall.
♥ Batchmates and Sec2s [:
Learned the Chermain and Shiyan dance today, nice :D

Followed by TLL, which was unsurprisingly boring again.
Did some verbal presentation on promoting documentaries.
How normal.
How practical ...

Generally, today was still good :D

Ellennnnnn ;