6:01 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
say something! (0)

This was after rehearsals, went to catch Quantum of Solace (which I didn't understand). Ate at pastamania :DD
Don't drool over your keyboards please
The waitress took this for us -.= LOL

Zilian-ing, favourite pastime :D

Choatic changing room, 102 ♥

Melissa, my dearest 王丹丹, my favourite student :D & I'm her favourite tuition teacher!

First time I was so enthusiastic over MAKE-UP

What was I doing? Idk -.-

Working like a pro :D

Chery-lllllllllllll :D

My beloved table buddie :D SHUMIN! [: Who, I discovered on C&D night, loves make-up, hahah

Iffera, Hilary and Regine :D

Proof that I haven't forgotten everything about ballet. That bun wasn't easy to tie ok! I miss ballet though D:

Everytime I see Shenlin, I remember, "Where are the eyebrows?"

YUELING !!! Another beloved table buddie, who made my semester 2 wonderfulll :D She aspires to be a ninja you know! [:

I look weird without glasses. Yanying !!! [:

I wanted to be in the middle -.-

Sharpay offsprings

Hilary looks damn cool. The nicest "ganstas" on earth. Love them [: Klara, don't smile lah!

MY 102 ♥
I'm shorter than Shuyi DD:
Look at me!
My dream fulfilled: Being taller than SHUYI. Hahahah

神奇的遥控器 :D 好神奇哦!

可爱的零分![: 给我考零分!给我考零分! My hips are sticking out AGAIN

THANK YOU 102 ♥ Credits to SIMYANYING for the wonderfullllll peekchures :DD


Went to East Coast Park today. Cycled 10km? Surprisingly, I'm not tired at all. & I realise I love cycling, and the beach at East Coast Park. Must go there more often, even if I have to myself. Watching choral and drama tomorrow, dancing as usual & fund raising is on tuesday. YAY, 102 [:

w/♥, ; E :D