11:20 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
say something! (0)
I'd better keep this blog alive despite the fact that i'm not in s'pore.

Yep, still here in china
(for those of you who don't know, I'm here visiting relatives)
Anw, the weather here is GAHHLOJOJDEOM - ly pissing me off. Firstly, the air is quite -no- very polluted. My face is in a darker shade ._. Secondly, IT'S DAMN COLD. I'm gonna come back as an ice cube T.T I'm currently wearing - long pants, jeans, shirt, sweater, sweater, jacket, socks & socks -.- (& yes, undergarment)
Oh yes, my hair looks like a haystack 'cause it's super dry here (everyday gotta put pamelo-flavoured lip balm, ugh)

I haven't replied tags for like a month *bows down head in guilt*. One fine day when I've got really nothing to do, when couting imaginery sheep seems interesting, I'll reply them :\
I'll be nice and reply just one (:
passer: The name of the song is under my profile - River flows in you by Yiruma :D

Ok, visiting relatives was fine, quite funny (: They're quite cute and lovable, hahahah.
There were some relatives I never knew existed (bad girl)
The last time I came here (I'm in wuhan btw) was 11 years ago.
Anw, I'm quite confused with all the names.
I've got dunno how many waigong and dunno how many waipos. & then dunno how many uncles. & dunno how many aunties. Mainly because my da4 waigongs has many siblings. I've got an uncle that's 11 years old. WTF. The world is so unfair. I've gotta call a little boy uncle D':
(He's my granddad's brother's wife's brother's son. Go figure out the generation yourself)
& then I've got a cousin who's super cute :D My granddad's brother's son's son. He dances really well and thinks he's a latin dancer. But he's 60 kg and 7 years younger than me O_O

Ok since it's winter here, the shops all sell winter clothes, sigh. There's nothing much to shop except keychains and bags which I can't possibly bring back. & the bags at zinc are cheaper, lol. (ok wtheck, I can hear my uncle's snoring from his room ._.) Bought some small gifts for my lovables! :D

The food here is super nice! Who cares what it's called, it deeee-leeee-ceeee-ous. *drools*
Ok whatever, but it's really yummy :D I've been STUFFING (Uh oh) myself with food recently. So is it me or does my jeans not fit me anymore... Sigh, gotta jian fei when I get back. Curse the talented cooks and food-inventors D<

That's about it, pictures when I'm back, promise :D
Hey, thanks everyone who wished me yilushunfeng/bon voyage/have fun/blah !
I'm returning tmr (sunday) at 11pm, and monday's dance YAY. (:

One more thingum:

Off the stand by the heater,