5:24 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
say something! (0)
Hey there (:

Wow, today is PSLE results day.
Hope all my juniors did well and got treated to pizza. Mrs. Lee is pretty generous alr (:

I remember PSLE marked the last day of ch6's togetherness. & I mean it literally. Evidently (and sadly), the unity is fading off... Moving on huh?

This year was fast eh?
"Times flies when you're having fun."
Not sure if I had fun this year, but it was definitely meaningful.
I got somethings I wanted - e.g. a little teeny weeny bit more flexibility, nicer clothes, a future sonny ericsson W595 (Getting on 3rd Dec !!!), twilight saga, a beautiful friendship :D & a very pretty but suffocates-you-like-hell dance jacket (x

But I also lost a couple of things - e.g. my sense of humor ._. Sighs, it's totally gone. Not many things make me laugh now. I only laugh at myself crapping -.- Sometimes, someone tells a 冷笑话 and everyone just burst out laughing, while I pretend to giggle. This is stupid. Or maybe it's just that I pay more attention to the times I fake laugh compared to times when it's sincere.
Other stuff I lost include - my thumbdrive ._. It's one that has really nice colours ): - RED & BLACK. I'm sure I lost quite a noticeable amount of hair T-T & I'm 60% sure that 50% of my ego is minced T-T

Ughs, enough with reflections

Tag replies are up:

Shichun: LOOOOL, yes. When she came running out, I went, "EUNICEEEE"
jermaine: I found it on youtube :D Hahahah, I would love to see how you look bogay, bwahahaha
nicholine(:: Hey, thanks! Same to you (:
cher: Oh, thanks! I will delete the disgusting, revolting, bleachish auto-smileys asap >:(
ENNING:): Oh you're alive !!! :D Tml's friday! See you! Rmb to get cute food
♥ haoqing: Hahahah, sure, what are friends for? The stupid bus that never come really pissed us off, LOOOOL. See you at dance tml!
shumin: You should go out or something. Being bored rots the brain, hahah. How's the foot? (:
yueling: You know, it would be cute if both you and shumin have those black head bands and go "HHHIIIEEE-YA!" like ninjas. Rofl !!! (:
&;BEN!: Tagged (:
shumin: Let's all be ninjas ._.
hilary: Hahahah, glad you love it :D It's really nice and beautiful and PRETTY !!!
shumin: I think I was just PMS-ing, AGAIN. Wahlao, I hate puberty ): Oh, I want an outing !
taemeen: Happy hols to you tooooo (: Hahah, outing with yiern, yixian and you. SURE WOMAN. I can't wait (:
monk^_^: Am I supposed to say thanks? Loool
yueling: Hahah, no that's not emoing. It's PMS-ing. O_O My butt's existence is for your whacking huh? Not emo alr :D LOOOL. Oh man, I want an outing ): Stupid trainings ...

Yueling & Shumin, I'm not emo lahs :D HAPPY HAPPY.
Outing guys ???

Oh, Jiale, pangseh me in S'pore. Wth >:(
Quickly come back so four of us can go out ok !!!

Taemeen, call me and tell me when you're free ok ? (:

I'm despo for outings. Partly because I've not had an official everybody-there kinda outing. & partly for another reason which will not be mentioned here. (I'm so sick of 'flaming' in word microsoft -.-)

Twilight fans, I've got a movie poster! Be jealous, bwahahahah.
Anw, anybody keen to go ECP to cycle with me ??? I need some air (x

Just read a teenage magazine true story. A girl downed herself with alcohols to her death. *Shudders*. Best not to get too depressed over stupid stuff.

ellennn :D