6:05 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
say something! (0)
Tagged by Haoqing ♥ aunty crazy womannnnnn (:

Rules & Regulations:
Each player of this game starts of with 10 weird things/habits/little know facts about yourself.
People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own things/habit/little know facts as well as state the rules clearly.
At the end, you need to choose 10 names to be tagged & list their names.

(Think I did this quiz before ._.)

1. I currently have 7 bruises and a double-popped blister and a bleeding toe which is bleeding love
2. Apart from the 7 bruises and double-popped blister and bleeding toe, I'm perfectly fine.
3. I love reading nutritional facts when eating chicken wings in Mcdonalds :D
4. I ate subway today with haoqing, eunice and shiyan (:
5. I think micky and minnie are disgusting
6. I'm desperate from outings.
7. I miss jiale, shuyi, klara, taymin, yiern, anna, yixian, yueling, shumin...
8. Watching sunsets and cycling at ECP are loved :D
9. I hate smokers/smoke/cigarettes/smell of tabacco/yellow teeth/disgusting bloody yucky breath caused by smoking
10. Dance has been tiring recently but I still love it :D

I tag:
1. Taymin
2. Yixian
3. Chermaine
4. Enning
5. Yanying
6. Jiaying
7. Shichun
8. Jermaine
9. Rachel G
10. Clare


After dance today, bussed to westmall with Haoqing, Eunice and Shiyan to eat Subway
Suppa funny :P
More details at haoqing's blog.
Haoqing and her minnie mouse clip, LOOOL.
Shiyan and Eunice are so cutee (: Eunice is lag and shiyan is ... always laughing. Hahah.
I'm the only sane one :D
Anw it was a very special dinner 'cause I kept laughing. Almost choked ._.
Oh yes, always put ice-cubes before putting the drink. I'm so stupid. I did vice-versa and the ice-cubes basically plonked into the cup filled to the brim with ice lemon tea and so, the ice lemon tea splashed out, hahahah ._. & yes, beautiful, round yellow spots appeared on my skirt and shirt. Viola -.- someone slap me.
Haoqing and shiyan kept laughing for idk reason. Eunice and I were staring at each other, all o.0 Hahah. We talked a lot. Topics include:
1. La Bi Xiao Xin ._.
2. Phone numbers
3. Minnie Mouse clip
4. Tomato (x
5. & Shiyan's ____ :D bwahahah.

Bussed home with shiyan after dinner.

Tmr, Haoqing is going orchard, and I'm gonna be mugging at home
Hip hip hoorayyyyy :DD

ellennnnnn ; who needs to get into SYF 2009