5:41 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tomolo got dance prac which starts at 830 but I'm going at 745 to learn the "LEFT SIDE"
Whathecrap, I almost completely forgot about it until RachelG suddenly said during TLL "Oh shit, left side!" & I was like bloody crap D:
Today school ended at 1215 [: Bussed to KAP with Jiale dear, Regine, Hilary, Iffera. Jiaying and Shichun were on a date there :D & Cheryl was there with her batchmates. &My sec4 seniors were there too [:
So this was our production.

Jiale's production of tissue+curry sauce, which Hilary said looked like some shit and I said looks like liquidie thingum from your nose. [x

There are ice cubes there :D What a waste D: LOL OUR Jiale's production (of uncapping the drink) & Mine of pouring mcflurry (greentea)

OUR production :D & Regine's half eaten mcflurry on the left

See that blob of white icecream? Regine was like screaming when Jiale put her ice cream there 'cause she haven't finished eating it -.-

Hilary's lovely hands D:

Jiale dear. She ate her name up later.

102 is the ♥(& the fries, HOT) :D

Regine camwhor shy ... T_T Half way eating her dear mcflurry

Hilary and Jiale :D

Jiale's absobloodylutely fabulous hands D: Thanks alot T.T

Jiale ate up my name later too

and Hilary's too. Heck, she ate all
On my first home econs -cooking day

My tasted - like - plastic - & shit - and - got - thrown - into - the - rubbish - bin - for - looking - gross - squashed - to - death - and - suffocated - hamburger I made during home econs.
A few weeks ago
My knee and it's bruises after dance prac. The bloody rolling on the floor exercise which is bad for body and makes the skin on your feet peel D: I got a blister after that ]x
MIN! I went ice-skating with you with these bruises D: So I was veryveryvery scared in case I fell D: But I didn't! [:

Last last week at SAC. Refer to post below.
Chermaine. + her PPPs. She was supposed to be emo-ing LOL. 'Cause the foot massage osim thingum kinda scared her and she screamed. But she ended up giggling.

YDF pictures :D Last Friday :D

The bottles of f&n mix we sold :D

The 2 theatre club people who were acting as possessed doll-ghost. The one with the pleads is really good - red contacts! *Shudders*

Very Very Very successful in the end. ALL sold out ;D HAH! Mrs. Amy didn't believe we could. Open eye BIGBIG and see! You see, all crossed out. :D (& the ink smudged 'cause we kinda spilled some in the comotion [x )

Box full of coupons $_$
We filled it (not to the brim) But more than 1/2 ! :D 102 is freakin' good :D
Tag replies
\ben: Yes I know, thank you
tayminnn:DD: Hmm.. I wonder too [x Feels like being salad/mashed potato. IMY & ILYs :D
yueling: YES :D I'm free
Yan Ying: SPAM T_T YEAH LOR YEAH LOR. ZILIAN ZILIAN ZILIAN QUEENIE. Congrats on the burger -.- Ugh fine, when I rmb! :D
Jiaying! ♥: Yoyoyo jiayinggggg :D Onoz, many 'g's at the back doesn't look nice D:
tayminnn:DD: MIN MIN MIN! :D
cher: Haha. Yes I finally did ^^ See you tomolo! :D
offspring: Trust me, I will in your nightmares. *haunt dodo offspring*
yixian: They should have a 2nd prize. Anw, you'r did well too! :D
scribblleR: Err.. I recovered like 2 weeks ago. [x Thanks anw! Yeah I know, jiayou in school!
\ben: hello BEN *emphasises*
Ellen :D
Tomolo got dance prac which starts at 830 but I'm going at 745 to learn the "LEFT SIDE"
Whathecrap, I almost completely forgot about it until RachelG suddenly said during TLL "Oh shit, left side!" & I was like bloody crap D:
Today school ended at 1215 [: Bussed to KAP with Jiale dear, Regine, Hilary, Iffera. Jiaying and Shichun were on a date there :D & Cheryl was there with her batchmates. &My sec4 seniors were there too [:
So this was our production.

Jiale's production of tissue+curry sauce, which Hilary said looked like some shit and I said looks like liquidie thingum from your nose. [x

There are ice cubes there :D What a waste D: LOL OUR Jiale's production (of uncapping the drink) & Mine of pouring mcflurry (greentea)

OUR production :D & Regine's half eaten mcflurry on the left

See that blob of white icecream? Regine was like screaming when Jiale put her ice cream there 'cause she haven't finished eating it -.-

Hilary's lovely hands D:

Jiale dear. She ate her name up later.

102 is the ♥(& the fries, HOT) :D

Regine camwhor shy ... T_T Half way eating her dear mcflurry

Hilary and Jiale :D

Jiale's absobloodylutely fabulous hands D: Thanks alot T.T

Jiale ate up my name later too

and Hilary's too. Heck, she ate all
On my first home econs -cooking day

My tasted - like - plastic - & shit - and - got - thrown - into - the - rubbish - bin - for - looking - gross - squashed - to - death - and - suffocated - hamburger I made during home econs.
A few weeks ago
My knee and it's bruises after dance prac. The bloody rolling on the floor exercise which is bad for body and makes the skin on your feet peel D: I got a blister after that ]x
MIN! I went ice-skating with you with these bruises D: So I was veryveryvery scared in case I fell D: But I didn't! [:

Last last week at SAC. Refer to post below.
Chermaine. + her PPPs. She was supposed to be emo-ing LOL. 'Cause the foot massage osim thingum kinda scared her and she screamed. But she ended up giggling.

YDF pictures :D Last Friday :D

The bottles of f&n mix we sold :D

The 2 theatre club people who were acting as possessed doll-ghost. The one with the pleads is really good - red contacts! *Shudders*

Very Very Very successful in the end. ALL sold out ;D HAH! Mrs. Amy didn't believe we could. Open eye BIGBIG and see! You see, all crossed out. :D (& the ink smudged 'cause we kinda spilled some in the comotion [x )

Box full of coupons $_$
We filled it (not to the brim) But more than 1/2 ! :D 102 is freakin' good :D
Tag replies
\ben: Yes I know, thank you
tayminnn:DD: Hmm.. I wonder too [x Feels like being salad/mashed potato. IMY & ILYs :D
yueling: YES :D I'm free
Yan Ying: SPAM T_T YEAH LOR YEAH LOR. ZILIAN ZILIAN ZILIAN QUEENIE. Congrats on the burger -.- Ugh fine, when I rmb! :D
Jiaying! ♥: Yoyoyo jiayinggggg :D Onoz, many 'g's at the back doesn't look nice D:
tayminnn:DD: MIN MIN MIN! :D
cher: Haha. Yes I finally did ^^ See you tomolo! :D
offspring: Trust me, I will in your nightmares. *haunt dodo offspring*
yixian: They should have a 2nd prize. Anw, you'r did well too! :D
scribblleR: Err.. I recovered like 2 weeks ago. [x Thanks anw! Yeah I know, jiayou in school!
\ben: hello BEN *emphasises*
Ellen :D