1:25 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
say something! (0)

So term 3 [: I've got no new resolutions. Mrs. Amy changed our sitting arrangement D: I'm gonna miss Shuyi. I totally understand why she has to change the arrangement - NOT.

Ok, first week of term 3, thursday :D
After school, went to SAC in school with YanYing (horny), Clare (clarebear) & Chermaine (PPPs)
to MUG. Waaaaa... Mugging become playing [: OMFGGGG, we got so sick and gross (I totally grossed myself out, please). It's like everything you say, you can't 想歪歪 with it, and that sucks D: Retards can't mug, so we ended up giggling the whole way through. I mugged one line! :D Oh, and Mr. Tiong (tiongtiong, shichun, whooo! :D)still exists in Nanyang, Yay! :D Anw, I found out a secret about Chermaine and her PPPs! :D Haha, she's scared of the foot massage thingum Cher, don't kill me! [x

Nothing else really happened that week, & I hated the whole bloody 7 days D:
Except for the SAC part :D
Friday, I got a terrible flu, and I finished using Elizabeth's whole packet of tissue, brand new. & I felt so bad that I returned her one on monday. Anw, after school was TLL, & how bloody stupid was I? I actually went with a flu. {fyi, I couldn't even open my eyes during maths, but I can't blame myself 'cause the new teacher is so boring, so much worse and TiongTiong} & sadly, I found out that day I was immune to coffee. Sadistic. So at United Square, RachelG, Enning Jermaine Regine and I went Ben&Jerrys to use my $5 voucher [: Which Jermaine craved for so looong, and even scolded me once, jkjk :D [Awww, I miss Clarice] Then, we went Mcd to "mug" Yeah...

Last week was bloody freaking stressedout-ish
1. Physics Block Test (Didn't revise, 抱佛脚-ed in the end)
2. YDF, It was a damn busy week, just preparing for the nachos and everything, I could have pulled out my hair in class the day before the YDF)
3. Lovely Ms. Foo wanted us to hand in our final piece of shit for the LA SIA. Wow ._.

Physics Block Test [please don't remind me of it]

2) YDF! was superduperhypersiaoper 成功& fun :D &&&&&&& OOOHHH! I did hairspray. (the boys at TLL are asses for believing that NYGH allowed highlighting, muahahaha. DUMB asses!)

So in the morning, I carried 5kg of ice up to 102 classroom ._. Ugh... & my dear icebox which help tremendously by breaking (the strap) at the last minute when I was carrying it up D:
Then the first I did when I entered the classroom was to dump whatever onto the first table I saw and I did care if whatever on it got wet 'cause all I cared about were my breaking hands [x
Then we did some more preparation and 冷静下来 (It was damn stress)
We went down for flag raising as usual. & chionged up after that to get iceboxes, ice, f&n, nachos, cheese, heat induction thingum, `money box, coupon [x etc and all ran down to our bench in the canteen. Then it was setting-up-stall-time & Shumin and I followed Hialry up to the roof top hall to get 2 wushu guns4 to hang the banner [x Then the whole thing started and we went marketing around the school, which was a total failure. I was freaking out over the heat induction thingum, I don't know how to use it people ~ & I was like some kinda B-girl Bossy Girl, ordering everyone around [x Hey, what did they expect, I was the nachos i/c. So everything went like -
"Cheese more cheese!"
"Gimme a plate of chips, gimme gimme (more)"
"What flavour?"
"Ice-cream Soda! Zappel! "
"Gimme straw"
"Where's the ice"
"get another packet of chips"
"Shit, no more..."

Yeah, that was basically it.
We sold nachos, f&n mix, tidbits.
Nachos sold out first! :D at $3 each plate, it was pretty good [: I'm happy :D
Tidbits seemed like a failure in the beginning, but thanks to Ling An's super professional marketing skills, they got sold out quite fast. OMGGGG, Ling An should have joined debate or something, she is just so goooood [: 大拇指 rise up :D
Last was f&n mix. I think we had too many bottles. Yeah :D It was quite fun mixing the f&n 'cause it reminded me of chem ._. So initially it was $2 per cup. And in the end, it became $1 for two cups. Wow -.- Which of course attracted lots of attention. "Veli cheap mah" ... And lots of people came to buy :D Partly because we shouted our hearts and lungs and whatever out, so that we could finish selling everything. :D Successful & victory!

I went to support 101 and 202 too :D ! I'm a guai little obedient girl, bleh D: 202 earned $4 of my coupons. Haha, and Yanying and I went to say hello to our dear angel!!! [; Yay! :D Yeah, Shichun and I were like hesitating whether to go the haunted house of mas selamat or something. LOL, and we spent like 30 minutes searching for Yanying I think -.- After that Yanying, Shichun and I went to get hairspray :D Yanying and I did purple and red, Shichun did purple :D I think... {: After that, I was silently praying that my hair won't get damaged ._. Yan Ying, the 2nd zilian queen went toilet paipaipaipaipai damn a lot of pictures. Gangsta D: Zilian until dunno-what-luhs. Awww, 今天才知道YanYing是多么自怜hor [x

After the whole YDF was over, we cleaned up and CHERYL was super helpful in everything. Haha, random. & proceeded to the hall. 102 won both punctuality award and the most raised funds :D & I'm super proud of all of them.
we raised $523 (open your eyes bigbig hor) Yes,
I <3>Today
We had home econs today D: It wasn't that bad. We made a burger. I wasn't that delighted, as Yanying was like two weeks ago when she made a burger and went screaming during assembly with lotsa lotsa pride and 成就感 -.- Haha
The burger tasted ok. I had like half and when I came home, it looked so gross (esp the tomato) & I felt like puking. *regrets I ate it D:* So i dumped it in the bin, where it is never to be seen again, EVER. Hah!

Current random updates on my life :
1. I hate my own cooking.
2. I in love all over again! With who what? SYTYCD like duh -.-
3. I haven't done my homework *guilty*
4. From today onwards, I'm gonna be home alone until DADA and MAMA comes back from work, 'cause my grandparents just left S'pore, forever D: 妈妈说要学会独立一点 MUAHAHA, I'm the master of the house now ._.

Tag replies !
tayminn:D: Hello love! Not doing it 'cause I'm lazyyyy :D
ernie: go notties :D
\ben: yeah, 人老了 D:
cher: it is provoking LOL :D
tayminn:D: Aww.. quiz maniac, Haha.
jiale/offspring: Hello dear ! :D I wna go shoppingggg, woman
tayminn:D: Taymin Wansui! :D You rock [: Miss you loads
CLARICE: Sorry ! [: Jiayou :D
Chermain: Hello senior [: Whoo! :D I like this song. Relinked you :D
CLARICE: I know you're very smart and WILL get a billion dollars, super generous person :D
nicholine:): Thank you! :D <3
shiyan: Whoo! I'm your bus-mate junior. Ellen is honored [x
tiffany: LOL. thanks for ordering jacket! WANSUI!
Shichun: I hate school!
tayminn:D: Yay Min!
souless kid: good luck to you. !
yueling: nutnut! :D
cher: PPPs<3 Hyper [: See you!
tammie: I'm everywhere :D [x Hello :D
cher: Whoo! I saved your life ._. [x
\ben: hello ben
hilary: hello :D
Shichun: Learn to let go D: We'll see him soon :D
Jane: OK! I'll try remember.
cher: Relinked :D
Clare: idk... who cares? [x
Jiaying! ♥: Hellloooo Jiaying :D
tayminn:DD: YES! I'm finally updating.
cher: Awww, don't say that [x
Shichun: OKOK I'll do it [x
Yan Ying: I will LOVELY [:
yueling: I'm sick of all these update commands D: LOL
\ben: thanks for the enlightening. [x
Shichun: & Yes I finally did it :D all-rounded! {:

Ellen :D
Next person who tells me to update, I'm gonna chop of his/her head and mashmashmash