2:18 AM
Sunday, November 30, 2008
say something! (0)
Yanying shared this with me, a post on iffera's blog (iffie iffie era, bwahahah)

Yan Ying tried to imitate Charissa laughing one day and well, Charissa's laugh is very unique so Yan Ying's impersonation came out like a croak which got Ling An laughing again. Then during class contact time, Charissa found something funny so she laughed, but immediately stifled it as Mrs Amy was in class. So her laugh came out like a croak, similar to Yan Ying's.
There was this split second before everyone and i mean everyone, except for Mrs
Amy, instinctively turned to Yan Ying and laughed. Just laughed.
LING AN: Haha..hah-*soundless laughter
HILARY: hah-he-hah-he*coughing as she does so*
KLARA:*laughing with one hand over her eye and bowling over with laughter*
ELLEN,YUELING,SHUMIN: *3 of them sit in a row so they were moving back and
forth together in sync*
SHICHUN: heh-heh*burys head deep into her arms*
YANYING: *muffles her laughter in her jacket*

Even Wan Li was
laughing Heh. Just when eveyone was quieting down, Charissa got into her unique
laughter again and everything started once more.

Omfg, I can't stop giggling now!
Oh, Iffera pays lotsa attention to detail :D
I didn't know yueling, shumin and I shake back and forth in sync when we laugh.
Anw, remembering lingan's silent laughter and stuff like that brings back lotsa memorable memories (: Thanks Iffie for posting that! :D Hahah. *Still laughing, seriously*

Ok, today I was flipping through my old diary (like one I kept when I was 4?)
Omfg, so funny. Lotsa stupid but cute one-sentence entries like:

"Today I didn't go to school because I have no school today."
(So my habit of saying 'today' really often started really long ago ._.)

"Today it rained so we couldn't play in the sandbox." (x

Oh yes, the diary was a hello kitty one (x

Flipped through some old photos today (I was that bored)
OMTian ! ! ! Those pictures were taken when I was 3
You would have thought I was a boy if I weren't wearing pink man... (x Hahah,I had really short hair, and as in the boy kinda short hair T-T So basically, I looked liked a boy in a PINK BARBIE DOLL DRESS. Bwahahah...
Saw a picture of me and an indian boy called Jeef or something. Saw him in Bukit Timah Plaza a week ago and I didn't recognise him at all, until my dad went "HI!" Later his mom said we used to hold hands together, bwahahah. That pictures was taken 10 years ago, lol. We looked so different but still the same in a cute way :D

Oh yes, I also watched some random videos my dad recorded -.- Like the one during the prize presentation when I was P2, I got 3rd in class ._. & guess what
I saw many ch6ers'07 in the video, whom I never noticed (x OMGOMGOMG
They were all like mini versions, hahah.
mini jolene, mini taymin, mini ruizhe, mini angeline, mini clement.
I was staring at the video, my mouth agape :D

Time erases away memories, but those will never be washed away (:

ellennnn ;