5:16 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
say something! (0)
Dedications (:

Thank you -

jiale - for being so bubbly all the time, being crazy over twilight with me and being the great friend you are :D Hahah. Your mummy is proud (:

klara - one of the nicest, most helpful, funny, lame -.-, understanding friend I've ever had. THANK YOU!

shuyi - Absobloodylutely nice (: Let me copy homework. LOL, awesome ex-tablemate :D Miss sitting next to you (:

yueling - Hahah, ninja !!! You're such a wonderful tablemate! Will miss laughing with you about pathetic stuff such as methane gas and lingan's soundless laughter, HAHAH (:

shumin - thanks for sending me the picture of your rotting toe -.- Hahah, I'll forever remember you're sneezing and laughing and chpimunk like face. Hahah. Thanks for being awesome.

lingan - for your silent laughter, hahah. And your craziness and smile-until-cannot-see-your-eyes. Anw, next year's our 5th year in the same class, lol.

hilary,iffera,regine - friendliness all the way :D & joy!

yanying,shichun,wanli,jiaying - lol, craziness, funniness O_O, super niceness and enthuness ((:

The entire 102 (:

chermaine,clare,shiyun,haoqing,cheryl,karyan,yuxin,hilary,rachel, jielin,joanne,veena,jermaine,joy,xinyi

For being possibly definitely the BEST batch in history :D
Randomness, retardedness, awesomeness, craziness, love you all !!!

The entire NYMD (:

& of course, enning :D For your hyperness and friendliness (:

& not to forget taymin,yiern,anna,yixian,shiyun :D Will always love you guys aeroplaneloads♥

I'll definitely miss sec1 life ):
